Thursday, January 15, 2009

Furthering My Education Online

I was one of those people that always loved being in college; I would never have left if I had had any choice in the matter. But four years after I started I earned my undergraduate degree and it was time, as my parents emphatically reported, that I got a job. So it was that I left school and embarked upon my career which would lead me many states and twenty years away from the earning of my undergraduate degree. I always wanted to further my education – continue with what I started – but every year seemed to propel me mentally further from my goal and with my accumulation of responsibilities the reality of attending school just seemed to become cloudier and cloudier.
Perhaps I was just waiting for a more convenient time - which has apparently arrived with the advent of the Internet through which I can now make strides in continuing my education without having to change my whole life around in the process. What I am specifically looking at right now is the online business degree program through a highly ranked school with a great reputation in education.
Through this program I will complete ten courses in order to earn my online MBA – courses that are completed entirely through Internet learning. So no longer do I have to make the decision between continuing with my full time job and going back to school; with the online business degree program I am able to do both.
And because the school I chose has career services at the disposal of students, I can even explore the possibility of entering a new career field when my schoolwork is completed. The online degree programs available today have really given students the best of all worlds in terms of career and education; something that I am happy to have the opportunity to enjoy.


  1. You are college type of guy. I hated my school.

  2. Magnifica fotografía. La belleza de los 20 años rebosa por todos los sitios.

    Disfruta de la edad. A los 60 años la belleza del cuerpo normalmente se ha esfumado.

    Recibe mis cordiales saludos.
    Valentin Rodriguez.
    Punta Umbría ( Huelva). España.

  3. Tengo tu blogs entre mis favoritos.

  4. seguidro my thanks, very good blog, soy peruno 15 años ..mi blog
    gracias por ser mi primera seguidora..Thanks¡¡
